
During my woodworking studies, I did a few very intersting and instructive workshops.

In 2014, the New-Zealand woodturner Graeme Priddle came to conduct a really informative workshop, to teach his various techniques of woodturning and finishing.

In 2015, two woodturners came to Moirans-en-Montagne, Eli Avisera (Israel) and Jean-François Escoulen (France). They taught us their respective techniques, such as eccentric woodturning, inlay and special finishing.

In 2015, I also worked with Raphaël Galley, a french plastic artist, on a library project. He had designed a library on the theme “In the shelter, I read!” for a book conservation project launched by the Bourgogne region. During two years, this structure was placed in many libraries throughout the region.

The library is a large square structure made of moving plywood layers (images below). My class was in charge of the manufacturing, so we had to find technical solutions to allow the layers to move independently of each other and make the whole structure as light as possible. This was a four-months project, very instructive on how to solve technical issues and how to manage group work. Among other group works, I was personnaly responsible for the making of 200 specific pins, to lock the layers. I made them from the drawings to the making on a digital wood lathe.